One of the best means of getting leads from your website is an online form that can be completed by visitors who want to take you up on what your website offers or find out more about your business. As lead generation goes, those that come from a well-conceived online form are typically pretty solid, providing the information your sales …
Time to Evaluate Your Web Presence?
It’s nearly 2016. Do you know where your website is? No, really, do you know where it is hosted? Do you know where your domain registration is or when it expires or who will get notified about it? Do you know where your dns is hosted? Or your email? They may not be all in the same place, but it …
Why Black Hat SEO is a bad choice
I learned long ago that the web development world is really the ‘wild west’ of the 21st century. It can be a fun place to build and design but it is also filled with the good the bad and the ugly. Web professionals that develop online assists for companies are in an environment of constant change. Here at Comstar, we …
Using the Power of Natural Language in Calls-to-Action
Human language is probably the most challenging aspect for we humans. We have cultivated our own speech into our own way of communicating in our own area of the world: Spanish, French, English, Portuguese etc. You who are in website development, sales and computer programmers understand the power of language and how it can affect you personally and your business. …
Leads, Conversions & Sales From My Website: Fact or Fiction?
Isn’t the real question, when it comes to your company website – “does my website create income for my business”? Well, how many leads does your website produce every month? How many sales? Not sure? Go ahead, take a few minutes to check on it. It’s OK… I’ll wait. [insert theme from Jeopardy here] Now that you have a number, …