Leads, Conversions & Sales From My Website: Fact or Fiction?

Robert HoldemanWebsite Tools, Website Traffic

Isn’t the real question, when it comes to your company website – “does my website create income for my business”?  Well, how many leads does your website produce every month?  How many sales? Not sure?  Go ahead, take a few minutes to check on it.  It’s OK… I’ll wait. [insert theme from Jeopardy here] Now that you have a number, …

Your Landing Page One and Done? Not So Fast!

Robert HoldemanShameless Self Promotion, Website Conversion, Website Tools, Website Traffic

A landing page is a great tool and focal point for your online marketing efforts.  Once you setup and monitor meaningful metrics for your landing page, don’t be afraid to make changes and then measure the results of those changes. Sometimes changing the on-page content is needed.  Perhaps your landing page copy needs tweaking or the addition of a photo …

What Goes Into an Effective Online Dashboard?

Robert HoldemanWebsite Tips, Website Tools, Website Trends

Coming up with a recipe for a really effective online member/customer dashboard is sort of like creating a new and tasty desert.  As the head chef, you need to execute your vision.  Do you layer it in gooey goodness, riddled with valuable nuggets to be discovered in its depths?  Or do you present a modest display of wholesome ingredients that …

Where to Start When Creating a Member Dashboard

Robert HoldemanWebsite Tips, Website Tools, Website Trends

Once you understand the potential for your company or organization in taking your website to the next level, building a community of users via a Member Dashboard, what’s next?  What’s your plan of action? There are three main areas your plan should cover: Technical/Platform Content/Data Access/Flow #1 – Technical/Platform: Determine the eventual size and scope of your dashboard so that …

DotNetNuke Advantage #4 – Portals

Joseph ComoWebsite Tools

A DNN portal is an entrance to a website.  The DotNetNuke portal has many advantages. Each portal has a domain name such as www.comstar.biz.  If you wanted to buy a different domain name, under a shared hosting environment, you would then need to buy another hosting package.  This could become costly for your business.  When you use a multiple DNN portal system, you have a single hosting …