A day cannot go by without hearing about another new virus, malware, ransomware, cyber attack or some mischievous action that compromises business and personal systems. There are countless online reports that tally and analyze these data in a variety of manners. It can be truly mind boggling and scary to read about all the threats we need to constantly defend. …
Comstar’s Advanced Spam/Virus Filter
In today’s virus-laden and prolific spamming environment, email filtering has become a necessity. A good, reliable, filtering system is needed to reduce the clutter so that you can spend your time reading the email you want, rather than the bulk that you do not. Comstar ‘s Advanced email filtering provides an individually configurable message center. This means that you can …
Online Contact Forms Can Spell L-E-A-D-S or S-P-A-M (or even S-C-A-M)
One of the best means of getting leads from your website is an online form that can be completed by visitors who want to take you up on what your website offers or find out more about your business. As lead generation goes, those that come from a well-conceived online form are typically pretty solid, providing the information your sales …
Just How Safe is My Critical Data?
Sometimes you may have the need to transfer or store data off of your own network. Comstar’s data services make this easy. Data Backup There’s no question that a recent backup of important information is vital for both business and personal computers. Unfortunately, backing up is one of the first things we let slide only to find out how valuable …