5 tips to improve your website’s Calls-to-action

Joseph ComoShameless Self Promotion, Website Tips, Website Tools, Website Traffic

Use direct and clear language. It’s important to know that passive calls-to-action will get you low clicks and low results. Remember, your call to action should incorporate a powerful action of words. Tell what you want your website visitor to do. Verbs are specifically helpful when addressing actions you want your visitor to do. Calls-to-action or CTA’s should be written …

Online Contact Forms Can Spell L-E-A-D-S or S-P-A-M (or even S-C-A-M)

Robert HoldemanAlerts, Internet Safety, Website Traffic

One of the best means of getting leads from your website is an online form that can be completed by visitors who want to take you up on what your website offers or find out more about your business. As lead generation goes, those that come from a well-conceived online form are typically pretty solid, providing the information your sales …

Time to Evaluate Your Web Presence?

Robert HoldemanWebsite Tips, Website Tools, Website Traffic

It’s nearly 2016.  Do you know where your website is?  No, really, do you know where it is hosted?  Do you know where your domain registration is or when it expires or who will get notified about it?  Do you know where your dns is hosted?  Or your email?  They may not be all in the same place, but it …

Online Marketing: What You Need to Know to Start

Robert HoldemanWeb Marketing, Website Conversion, Website Traffic

A good website will work for you, presenting your image and marketing message to potential customers. An effective website will enhance your marketing strategy and be of benefit to your company’s growth and operation. Regardless of how simple or complex your needs, Comstar works with you to define an internet marketing strategy that integrates with your total marketing efforts. Developing …