Common SEO Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

Joseph ComoWebsite Tools, Website Traffic

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential in getting traffic driven to your site.  When optimizing your site, there are several common mistakes that too many people tend to make.  It is important to become aware of what these mistakes are, so that you don’t make them too! Search engine spiders have trouble reading flash and cannot read javascript at all.  …

Preparing Your Press Release

Joseph ComoShameless Self Promotion, Website Traffic

Press releases are used to share something newsworthy about your business with the public.  But there is a secret use for them as well!  You can use press releases to advertise your business, create more links to your site,  and have another page to show up in search engine results.  Here are some aspects of press releases that every new …

Web Genius Summit Update

Jeffery KirkShameless Self Promotion, Website Conversion, Website Tips, Website Tools, Website Traffic

Now that we’re half way through the first set of guest experts on the Web Genius Summit, I would like to take a few minutes to summarize what you may have missed. In case you’re not familiar with the Web Genius Summit, let me first give you a brief description… I am interviewing business and internet geniuses for 60 minutes …

Powerful Newsletter Subjects

Jeffery KirkProduct Recommendations, Website Traffic

Yesterday I left off talking about subject lines for your newsletter mailings. To demonstrate the importance of a good subject line, I’ll use a different form of marketing to illustrate. Think of movie posters, specifically the taglines.  Now even more specifically the poster for the movie Alien.  I’ll describe it in case you don’t know what it looks like… It’s …

Promoting Your Ecommerce Store

Jeffery KirkProduct Recommendations, Website Traffic

Have you put together a plan for promoting your ecommerce store? Whether you run a big business, small business, or you hold down the fort at your home office, you’ve got to have some kind of media plan which includes an email newsletter.  And that newsletter must go out regularly. Many ecommerce store owners fail to send out newsletters on …