Your Landing Page One and Done? Not So Fast!

Robert HoldemanShameless Self Promotion, Website Conversion, Website Tools, Website Traffic

A landing page is a great tool and focal point for your online marketing efforts.  Once you setup and monitor meaningful metrics for your landing page, don’t be afraid to make changes and then measure the results of those changes.

Sometimes changing the on-page content is needed.  Perhaps your landing page copy needs tweaking or the addition of a photo or video to help state your case as to why your visitor should contact you.  Maybe it’s a more forceful call-to-action or maybe your online form needs to ask for more or less information or ask for it in a different way.

You can take many actions that can lead to better conversion rates.  The trick is to try something and see if it works.  Besides the actual conversion rate of those who submit forms, look at other indicators of improvement, such as the page’s bounce rate, which should be going down.

The advantage of an online form is that it provides the measurable metric of who contacted you, but your landing page should also include your phone number and you should be asking callers if they saw your website and, specifically, the landing page.  This will give you a truer measure of what your landing page produces for your business.

In addition to the page content, consider hidden and off-site factors. Perhaps the page optimization for your landing page needs adjustment. Consider ways to get off-site links directing people and web crawlers to your page.

You can jump-start traffic by using an existing mailing list to communicate to your customers and prospects about the subject of your landing page with a compelling email that includes a link back to it.  Here’s another tip: use the url from your landing page in all of your advertising media.

Once you find what works you can expand the program to another product or service you offer with a second, third or more landing pages.

A landing page is one way you can make your website a real asset that generates business or just another expense for your business.  For some more ways you can visit our website at