Social Media for Your Business

Jeffery KirkWebsite Conversion, Website Traffic

A question that I get from time to time is, “how can I use social media to benefit my business?” Sure Twitter, FaceBook, and LinkedIn (among others) are interesting, but are they beneficial?  For business owners, entrepreneurs, sales people, and marketers is there really value in these tools? Those who use social media extensively will argue they are certainly valuable.  …

Social Media Domination

Jeffery KirkBook Recommendations, Product Recommendations, Website Traffic

Social media is a hot topic these days.  Should your business be using Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn?  We get asked about this a lot. Last week I had the chance to interview Lewis Howes and Sean Malarkey.  Lewis is a LinkedIn expert and has co-authored a LinkedIn Success book on the subject.  Sean is a Twitter expert.  He got his experience …

The Perils of Ignoring Social Media

Joseph ComoWebsite Traffic

So, you don’t think that YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or any of the other social media web tools are beneficial to your business?  Fair enough.  Every business has to evaluate these tools for themselves and if they can’t find a way to use them to further their business goals or if they aren’t willing to commit the time and resources …