Your social media marketing strategy should make use of all your social media tools, all working together. Tip #1: Connect your company’s Twitter account to its Facebook account so that tweets will appear as status updates there. This is very efficient because you Tweet and update your Facebook fans at the same time! Tip #2: Connect your company’s LinkedIn profile to …
Social Media Marketing Tip – Other People’s Blogs
You might ask yourself why would you spend valuable time participating in discussions and writing comments on other people’s blogs? It takes time to establish a reputation of being the expert in your industry. Since your customers don’t always find you, it’s up to you to “get out there” and build your own credibility. Tip #1: Learn and identify 2 …
Tips on Social Media Marketing With Twitter
Twitter has grown very popular among small businesses as an incredible way to market through a social media platform. If your company hasn’t signed up on Twitter yet, sign up for a business account today! Twitter itself offers an easy to use guide to help you understand what it can do for you. Tip #1: Spend a few minutes becoming …