Marketing in this Economy

Joseph ComoWebsite Tools

Why in this economy when you need sales the most would you cut your marketing?  Why ignore your website? Now is the time to grab market share when your competition has stopped their marketing.  When every penny counts, you need to make smart marketing decisions. Think about it – if you spend money on an ad in a magazine, do …

Where is Your Contact Info?

Joseph ComoWebsite Tips

What do you want someone to do after visiting your website?  Duh, you want them to contact you.  If this answer is obvious, then why do so many websites make visitors go to the “Contact Us” page to first learn about how to get a hold of them? Go check your website right now – does your site do this? …

Asset or Expense?

Joseph ComoWebsite Tools

Your website can be a valuable asset or just another expense. Your website must be both useful by design and used by those searching for what you offer to be a true business asset. The best, most useful websites utilize both proven and cutting-edge technologies to grab the attention of the visitor, perform critical business functions and generally provide an …

Tip: Put it in the Heading!

Joseph ComoWebsite Tips

As you can imagine, website visitors barely read what you write.  They are all about skimming a page for the information they are looking for.  The easiest way to help them find what they are looking for is with page headings. It is very important that you figure out what visitors to your site are looking for and put it …

Important Hosting Elements

Joseph ComoWebsite Tools

Warning: All hosting companies are not created equal. There are so many hosting companies available to you nowadays.   So how do you pick one?  I wanted to remind you of three elements that you must look for when choosing a hosting company. The three elements to look for are: Uptime Reliability. Make sure that the company you are looking at …