It’s not enough to back up your blog template because it is not the look and feel of your blog site that matters. It is what you have to say that counts. If you have a separate corporate blog that links to your corporate website, then it’s important to think about backing up your blog content. Your blog site is …
Back Up Your Website!
Backing up a website is one of those things we often forget only to realize what a poor decision that was when it’s too late. Why do we skip something this important? Had we just done the simple backup, we could have restored our lost work and saved time, money and headaches! If you read last week’s blog, you will …
Data Backup Basics
Protecting your computer/ business data is a top priority. The idea is simple enough, but choosing the right type of backup plan or program can be difficult. The main goal of data backup is to create a copy of the data so that if the data is lost or corrupted, it can be restored. Thus, data backup is only one …