I just went to a website and became very frustrated so I need to share this tip with you today. Here is the tip: put contact information in your calls-to-action within the text of your website!
For example, if one of your paragraphs ends with “pick up the phone and call us right now” then you should make absolutely sure that your phone number is visible to them either right after that line or at least on the page.
Or if your call to action asks them to “email for more information” then you should provide a visible email address or a link to a contact page or something.
After telling your site visitor what to do, if you do not provide a way to do it then you will have one frustrated visitor. And, odds are you’ve got a site that is not useful. And that means no sale.
There is nothing less effective than asking someone to take an action but not giving them enough information or some means to complete it. Sorry website that I was visiting, you did not get my business today!