Once your site has been assembled and programmed, it will be thoroughly tested to make sure every page and every feature works as designed. At every phase of development you will have the opportunity to look in on the building process making sure that work is completed to your satisfaction. The testing phase is no different. While we are looking to make sure the site works technically, you should make sure the site will work for your needs. The testing process helps ensure that when your site is published, i.e. made available to the world, that it will work exactly as needed to be the asset you desire.
Your new website is ready to debut! Publishing your site is the final step in its primary development. Once published, your site can be viewed throughout the internet. Publishing your site does not mean that it can no longer be changed. “Remodeling” can take place at any time.
While most companies would view this as the end of your project, at Comstar we believe it is only the beginning of a long-term relationship. We believe that our success is directly related to your success. Once your site is published it is time for you to focus on the marketing of your website, both online and off. Comstar’s internet specialists will help you take the next step, bringing you the latest solutions, customized to your needs.
Driving traffic to your new website with a plan for vigorous internet marketing is the next step.