Five Items to Measure Regularly

Joseph ComoWebsite Tools

Five items you should be measuring regularly: Number of distinct visitors – be careful that you are not tracking the number of hits instead. The difference is that unique visitors are measured by their special IP address and are counted only once no matter how many times they visit your site. Number of pages viewed – knowing this information will …

User Experience

Joseph ComoBook Recommendations

“I just love your company’s website!” – When was the last time someone said this to you? If you haven’t heard this in a while or even worse, ever, perhaps it is time to think about updating your site.  Even a few changes can really help give your website a new feel and increase interest among potential customers. Knowing what …

Your Overall Online Strategy

Joseph ComoWebsite Tools

“A good site is directed by marketers, not website designers.”   This statement is very powerful and something that every business needs to take seriously.  Your site is not just about a nice design and layout; your website must be aligned with your overall marketing strategy.  In order to understand how your website fits into your overall marketing efforts, you need …

Tip: Effective Calls to Action!

Joseph ComoWebsite Tips

When visitors come to your website, they want to be able to find information fast, to have an enjoyable experience, and to have some interaction with your site. You need to make sure that every page of your website has some interaction on it that requests a visitor to take an action that you desire. For example: Call Today, Request …